Nurture at Abington Vale
Our Nurture group runs on a Monday and Wednesday at Park Campus and on a Tuesday and Thursday at Stirling Campus.
It is a place where children can feel safe and secure and can develop their own individual needs.
Nurture group is a small class of pupils that is carefully thought out, to create a well-balanced and functional group. It is part of the school Inclusion and PSHE provision. Nurture offers children opportunities to re visit early learning skills and to promote and support their social and emotional development.
Research evidence shows that children’s learning is most effective when they have a sense of emotional wellbeing, good self-esteem and a feeling of belonging.
Our Nurture principles are drawn from the work by Marjorie Boxall and are exemplified by 'The Nurture Group Network'
Our principles are:
Children learning is understood developmentally
The classroom offers a safe base
All behaviour is communication
The importance of transition in children’s lives
Provides lots of opportunities for speaking and listening
Builds a child’s self-esteem and confidence
Builds skills for classroom learning
Language is a vital means of communication
Our Nurture group aims to boost confidence and self-esteem and provides children with skills such as encouraging listening, up levelling vocabulary, literacy and numeracy skills, social skills and coping with change.
Here is what some of our children have said about their time in Nurture
"I like to do our feelings; it makes me feel happy"
"Nurture has helped me to make the right choices in class"
"Before Nurture I was very quiet, now I use my words"