At Abington Vale we pride ourselves on our caring ethos and child-centred curriculum. We foster an environment where every child matters and actively encourage children to be independent and learn skills that are going to benefit them throughout their lives.
At our school we celebrate every child and believe that all children are capable and extraordinary. At our school we embrace diversity and encourage the children to do the same. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve their full potential by offering a broad and balanced curriculum that considers the children’s varied life experiences and needs. Moreover, we seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder the progress of some children. Therefore, it is fundamental that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children.
Teaching and learning
At Abington Vale Primary we strive to ensure every pupil’s needs are clearly identified and supported at all levels. Quality first teaching with instant interventions are used to support misconceptions and enhance learning daily. Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the children within our school and provide materials appropriate to children’s interests and abilities.
Teaching assistants are deployed effectively in all classes to work with all pupils, either in small groups or on a one-to-one basis. If a more specific support programme is required, interventions are planned with the teacher and Inclusion Lead. The progress within this intervention is closely monitored to ensure pupil’s learning is on track. At times more specialised support programmes are required. As a school, we work closely with a range of professionals to support a variety of needs. These professionals include the following:
Educational Psychologists
Community Paediatricians
Speech therapists
Occupational therapists
Specialised teachers in behaviour, learning difficulties and ASD
Furthermore, as a school we endeavour to support and develop children’s emotional, social, and academic needs to the highest standards possible. To ensure this we have a team of SEN and well-being teaching assistants who all work closely with the Inclusion lead. The school
follows the SEND Code of Practice and ensures assessments take place to support statutory assessments. Pupils on the SEND register and with Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) and High Needs Funding are supported closely within school to allow them to develop across all areas of their learning.
We have an open-door policy that encourages parents to come and talk to us regarding their children's progress. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or SEND your points of contact are:
Your child’s class teacher
Mrs Emma Green (SENDCo)
Mrs Dawn James - Inclusion Lead
Local offer
Abington Vale supports the Local Offer and works closely with Parents and Carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disability, to ensure a range of specialist or targeted service providers are available.
To access the Local Offer please go to the following website: Local here
External links: Click this link to see what they said about Abington Vale Primary School.
To view our latest SEND information reports, please see below: